Ketika Musik , Fashion & Scooter Bersatu - Lahirlah sebuah genre [ MODS ]
3 comments Posted by Henry Lutfidwianto Susilotomo at 7:09 PM
Dari mana asal logo Mods Bullseye ?. Asal tahu aja, itu sebenarnya adalah logo angkatan Royal Air Force (RAF), Angkatan Udara Inggris. Logo itu dan bendera Union Jack sempat booming di tahun ’60-an. Sering digunakan sebagai fashion items yang menggambarkan kebanggaan anak muda Inggris pada negerinya. Belakangan, logo itu digunakan juga sebagai symbol Mods.
Pernah denger istilah Mods? Atau pernah lihat logo bundar kayak target tembak yang berwarna biru-putih-merah, yang kata teman-teman merupakan logo Mods?
Pasti masih banyak yang bingung kan, apa sebenernya Mods itu? Maklum, info yang kita dapat selama ini, cuma sepotong-sepotong.
Ada yang bilang anak-anak Mods itu yang dengerin musik dari The Who atau The Jam. Sebagian lagi bilang anak Mods itu teman-teman yang naik skuter.
Duh, mana yang bener sih?
Begini ceritanya. Kata “mods” merupakan kependekan dari kata modernism/ modernist. Ini adalah subkultur anak muda yang berkembang di Inggris pada akhir ‘50-an sampai pertengahan ‘60-an.
Sebenarnya, di awal kemunculannya, terminologi Mods ini ditujukan kepada para fans dari musik modern jazz. Seiring perkembangan waktu, term ini bergeser lebih luas lagi. Meliputi fashion dan lifestyle yang menyeruak di kalangan itu. Seperti pakaian necis, skuter, pop art dan film-film Perancis yang mulai berkembang di era ‘60-an.
Beberapa data menyebutkan kalo Mods dan juga musuh bebuyutannya, rockers, merupakan turunan dari subkultur Inggris di awal ‘50-an, Teddy Boys. Sekadar informasi, Teddy Boys ini merupakan sekumpulan anak muda Inggris yang sangat dipengaruhi oleh gaya rock n’ roll Amerika.
Meski pun lahir di Inggris, subkultur ini berhasil menyerang anak muda di seluruh dunia. Baik itu fashion atau pun band-bandnya. Band? Yoi. Soalnya pergerakan subkultur Mods itu dibentuk oleh tiga elemen: musik, fashion dan skuter!
Subkultur Mods dimulai sekitar tahun 1958. Ketika sekelompok anak muda kelas menengah di London terobsesi dengan musik dan tren fashion terbaru. Saat itu mereka tergila-gila dengan setelan jas ngepas ala desainer Italia dan musik modern jazz dan R&B.
Sebenarnya, membuat stelan model Italia nggak terjangkau untuk ukuran kantong kelas pekerja. Biasanya,stelan ini adalah monopoli para konglomerat masa itu.
Tapi, entah bagaimana, stelan Italia tiba-tiba jadi hal yang biasa ditemukan di lingkungan anak-anak kelas pekerja. Belakangan, baru diketahui kalo ada beberapa anak kelas pekerja yang punya channel pada para pedagang garmen di London. Hal ini membuat mereka lebih leluasa untuk membeli bahan, dan membawanya ke tukang jahit terdekat guna menjahit stelan jas sesuai keinginan.
Biasanya, saat mengenakan stelan andalan, kaum Mods sering nongkrong di Carnaby Street, London. Saat itu, di sepanjang jalan berjejer butik-butik fashion, toko-toko musik independen, dan gerai desainer-desainer terkemuka kayak Mary Quant, dan juga barisan tukang jahit andal. Konon, mereka sengaja nongkrong di situ untuk “mengejek” golongan berduit. Pamer kalo mereka juga bisa menggunakan jas yang mahal!
Berbekal gaya yang oke, mereka jadi lebih leluasa keluar-masuk klub malam. Tempat di mana mereka bisa maksimal memamerkan pakaian dan gerakan-gerakan dansa mutakhirnya.
Klub-klub tempal nongkrong favorit kaum Mods adalah The Scene dan The Flamingo di London. Selain itu, ada juga Twisted Wheel Club di Manchester.
Untuk mendukung gaya hidup mereka yang sering hang out di klub’ hingga tengah malam, alat transportasi jelas dibutuhkan. Pasalnya, kendaraan umum di Inggris saat itu nggak ada yang beroperasi sampai larut malam.
Maka, dipilihlah skuter sebagai alat transportasi resmi mereka. Biasa bermerk Vespa atau Lambretta. Alasannya sederhana aja: murah, jack !
Ya, dengan kondisi keuangan mereka yang notabene rada cekak, mobil sama sekali bukan pilihan. Hanya skuter yang harganya masih terjangkau. Jadi sama sekali bukan masalah keren-kerenan. Hehehe.
Satu hal yang unik dari skuter kaum Mods adalah; jumlah kaca spion yang terpasang bisa mencapai puluhan. Ini merupakan bentuk perlawanan mereka terhadap peraturan pemerintah Inggris yang mengharuskan kendaraan roda dua untuk memasang setidaknya 1 kaca spion saat itu.
Ketika mengendari skuter kebanggaan, mereka biasa memakai parka. Parka adalah semacam jaket/ jas yang panjangnya sampai ke dengkul. Selain menahan angin, fungsi utama dari jaket ini adalah untuk melindungi pakaian mahal yang mereka kenakan di dalam. Waduh!
Akhirnya, lifestyle ini pun berkembang ke seluruh Inggris. Gaya ini nggak lagi cuma milik anak muda kelas menengah, tapi menyebar ke seluruh strata ekonomi. Begitu juga dengan musik yang mereka dengarkan, nggak lagi sebatas jazz dan R&B melainkan merembet ke musik soul, ska dan bluebeat.
Salah satu band Mods era awal yang beken dan jadi omongan sampai sekarang adalah The Who. Band ini sering dituding sebagai band palingberpengaruh bagi band-band yang muncul di seluruh dunia, sesudahnya.
Band yang terbentuk di Inggris pada tahun 1964 ini awalnya digawangi oleh Pete Townshend (gitaris), Roger Daltrey (vokalis), John Entwistle (bassis) and Keith Moon (drummer). Formasi ini dianggap sebagai formasi tersolid dari band yang saat ini diperkuat juga oleh Zachary Starkey, anak Ringo Starr, drummer The Beatles itu.
Pete Townshend, merupakan salah satu sosok yang cukup dikagumi oleh anak-anak Mods. Malah bisa dibilang doi adalah salah satu ikon Mods masa itu.
Penyebabnya, nggak lain dan nggak bukan adalah kedekatannya pada gaya hidup Mods, Sela/n itu, aksi panggungnya bareng The Who sukses bikin orang menganga. Gimana nggak, dia dan temen-temennya rajin banget menghancurkan alat musik saban nanggung. Mulai dari membanting gitar, merusak ampli, dan lain sebagainya.
Selain The Who, band yang cukup esensial dikalangan anak mods adalah The Small Faces. Band yang berdiri lahun 1965 ini sebenarnya nggak berumur panjang. Cuma sekitar empat tahun. Tapi, barisan lagunya kayak ‘tihycoo Park, Lazy Sunday, dan Alt or Nothing, masih ada di playlist anak-anak Mods, sampai sekarang.
Selain dua nama di atas, masih ada band-band yang bisa dijadiin referensi dari masa itu. Sebut aja Georgie Fame, the Animals, The Yardbirds, The Kinks, dan The Spencer Davis Group, The Action, Zool Money dan The Creation.
Nggak jelas juga, apa yang menyebabkan kedua pihak ini bermusuhan. Ada yang bilang Rockers nggak suka sama gaya anak Mods yang sok kaya. Ada lagi pendapat yang mengatakan kalo ideologi keduanya bertabrakan dan nggak bisa didamaikan. Apa pun alasannya, yang pasti tiada pertemuan tanpa perkelahian buat kedua geng ini.
Yang nggak bisa dilupakan adalah perkelahian besar antara anak Mods dan Rocker di tahun 1964. Kejadiannya bertepatan dengan Bank Holiday yang merupakan di hari libur nasional Inggris. Hari itu, perkelahian kedua geng ini terjadi di beberapa titik. Mulai dari Pantai Brighton, Margate, Hasting dan Clacton.
Konflik ini nggak berhenti di hari itu. Malah, berkepanjangan ke hari-hari berikutnya. Kondisi ini sempat membuat panik masyarakat Inggris.
Penyebab kedua kubu ini semakin saling membenci adalah media Inggris. Mereka selalu saja mengangkat isu rivalitas kedua kubu ini sebagai headline. Lengkap dengan foto perkelahiannya. Bahkan, ceritanya nggak jarang dibesar-besarkan.
Gara-gara terpancing media inilah, kedua geng semakin seru saja berkelahi. Pokoknya, mereka penasaran dan berusaha terlihat sebagai pemenang. Nggak peduli, semahal apa pun bayarannya.
Untungnya, budaya tawuran ini menghilang di pertengahan ‘60-an. Penyebabnya adalah mewabahnya musik psychedelic rock dan budaya hippie. Yang membawa semangat perdamaian dan persaudaraan serta kembali ke alam. Pola pikir yang sebenarnya bertolak belakang dengan gaya Mods.
Saat itu, gaya hidup Mods mulai ditinggalkan. Bahkan band-band kayak The Who dan Small Faces merubah gaya bermusik mereka dan nggak lagi merepresentasikan mereka sebagai Mods. Gaya bohemian dan hippie ternyata punya magnet yang amat kuat. Rayuannya sukses membuat dedengkot Mods tergila-gila. Dan, Mods pun mati suri.
Entah apa yang ada di pikiran para personil The Who, saat mereka tiba-tiba merilis sebuah film pada 14 September 1979.
Film yang dikasih judul sama kayak judul album The Who pada tahun 1973, Quadrophenia, ini ceritanya pengen ngegambarin subkultur Mods lewat kacamata seorang penganutnya yang bernama Jimmy. Di situ digambarin segala kebiasaan kaum Mods. Naik skuter dan pake baju rapi ke mana-mana, klabing di klab mewah padaha) duit cekak, plus berantem sama Rockers. Film ini sempat di kritik habis-habisan oleh pengamat film saat itu. Dianggap udah nggak relevan lagi sama nilai-nilai di masyarakat. Namun kenyataan berkata lain. Tanpa diduga-duga, film ini justru membangkitkan kembali gairah anak muda Inggris dan menaikkan kembali pamor Mods yang sebenarnya sudah turun banget saat itu.
Pendek kata, setelah film ini, hadirlah Mods gelombang kedua atau biasa disebut era Mods revivalist Meskipun sebenarnya film ini hanyalah pemantik akhir dari bangkitnya Mods Revival ini. Bau-bau kehadiran kembali Mods ini sebenernya udah dimulai saat Great British Music Festival yang digelar di Wembley pada tahun 1978. Persisnya saat The Jam manggung.
Ya, The Jam adalah salah satu band yang memimpin era revivalist Band yang digawangi olen Paul Weller, Bruce Foxton dan Rick Buckler ini terbentuk pada tahun 1972. Setelah merilis enam album studio dan tiga album live, The Jam bubar jalan pada 1982. Selain The Jam, ada beberapa band yang dianggap besar pengaruhnya pada kelahiran kembali Mods di akhir 70-an. Mereka adalah Secret Affair, Purple Hearts, The Chords, dan Back to Zero.
Generasi Britpop yang naik pada era ‘90-an juga sedikit banyak mendapatkan pengaruh dari era Mods Revival ini. Band-band kayak Ride, Oasis, Blur dan Ocean Colour Scene adalah beberapa di antara banyak band yang mengaku terpengaruh gerakan ini.
Sayangnya kepopuleran Mods Revival ini nggak berlangsung lama, meskipun pengaruh yang ditimbulkannya retap bertahan berdekade-dekade.
Sekarang, subkultur Mods telah merambah ke seluruh penjuru dunia. Dan hingga saat ini subkultur ini tetap bertahan sebagai bagian dari kultur underground (eyank1968)
The Who adalah grup Inggris terbesar ketiga setelah The Beatles dan The Rolling Stones. Mereka merupakan salah satu grup live terhebat dengan pertunjukan yang dinamis dan musik yang berkonsep. Materi awal The Who bertema pemberontakan dengan power chord khas Pete Townshend menjadi sumber inspirasi power pop dan punk rock. Selanjutnya mereka membuat album konsep inovatif yang akhirnya berkembang menjadi rock opera. Sampai hari ini, popularitas The Who tidak pernah pudar.
Pada era 60an, The Who adalah band kelompok mods yang paling populer. Mods adalah sebuah kelompok yang memberontak atas musik rock & roll para rockers gaya 50an. Mereka banyak menghasilkan single-single populer pada awal karirnya seperti "The Kids Are Alright", "My Generation", "Substitute", "Happy Jack" dll. Meskipun sukses sebagai band dengan single-single populer saat itu, Pete Townshend mempunyai ambisi yang jauh lebih besar. Dia mulai membuat album konsep dengan A Quick One (1966) dan The Who Sell Out (1967) dan akhirnya menciptakan mahakarya double-album Tommy (1969), sebuah rock opera yang sangat berhasil secara artistik dan komersil. Penampilan mereka di Woodstock dengan membawakan materi Tommy mendorong The Who menjadi superstar di AS.
Setelah Tommy, The Who merilis Live at Leeds, yang sampai sekarang masih dianggap sebagai salah satu album live terhebat sepanjang masa. Setelah itu, Townshend ingin mengulangi keberhasilan Tommy atau bahkan melebihinya dengan rencana proyek film rock Lifehouse, namun produser tidak sanggup merealisasikannya dan materi untuk proyek tersebut disalurkan ke dalam Who's Next (1971), sebuah album rock mahakarya yang oleh sebagian orang dianggap album rock terhebat yang pernah dibuat. Setelah Who's Next, The Who membuat lagi satu double-album konseptual berjudul Quadrophenia yang menceritakan tentang karakter Jimmy, seorang anak muda yang bermasalah mental berjuang untuk menemui jati diri dengan latar belakang perseteruan antara mods dan rockers pada awal 1960an yang mengakibatkan kerusuhan di pantai Brighton.
Tahun 1978, The Who mengalih dari musik rock opera ke sound yang lebih berorientasi radio dengan merilis Who Are You. Diwaktu yang sama, Keith Moon meninggal dunia akibat overdosis pill yang diberi dokter. Kenny Jones, eks The Small Faces dan The Faces, masuk menggantikan Moon sebagai drummer. Tahun 1979, kecelakaan terjadi dalam konser mereka di Riverfront Coliseum di Cincinnati, Ohio pada tahun 1979, dimana perebutan kursi mengakibatkan kematian 11 orang fans. The Who tidak diberitahu kejadian ini sebelum show selesai karena kekhawatiran petugas atas kerusuhan yang tidak terkontrol kalau konser dibatalkan. The Who sangat terpukul setelah mengetahui kejadian ini.
Di era Kenny Jones sebagai drummer, The Who merilis Face Dances (1981) dan It's Hard (1982). Meskipun kedua album itu disambut baik kritikus dan mendapatkan penjualan yang bagus, tapi fans lama tidak menerima sound baru The Who yang berorientasi ke pop. Townshend merasakan dia tidak sanggup lagi menulis untuk The Who dan band mengadakan farewell tour.
The Who mengambil cuti panjang dan mulai akhir 1980an hingga 2000an mereka mengadakan beberapa tur reuni. Beberapa saat sebelum memulai tur musim panas 2002, bassist John Entwistle meninggal dunia dalam kamar Hard Rock Hotel, Las Vegas. Kematiannya bukan diakibati overdosis tapi cocaine yang dia konsumsi memicu serangan jantung dari penyakit jantung yang dideritanya akibat pemakaian cocaine.

1965 My Generation
1966 A Quick One
1967 The Who Sell Out
1969 Tommy
1970 Live at Leeds (live)
1971 Meaty Beaty Big and Bouncy (kompilasi)
1971 Who's Next
1973 Quadrophenia Rock
1974 Odds and Sods (kompilasi)
1975 The Who By Numbers
1978 Who Are You
1979 The Kids Are Alright (soundtrack)
1981 Face Dances
1982 It's Hard
1984 Who's Last (live)
1990 Join Together (live)
1994 Thirty Years of Maximum R&B (box set)
1996 My Generation: The Very Best of The Who (kompilasi)
1996 Live at the Isle of Wight Festival 1970 (soundtrack)
1999 BBC Sessions (kompilasi)
2002 The Ultimate Collection (kompilasi)
2003 Live at the Royal Albert Hall (live)
2004 The Who: Then and Now (kompilasi)
Website The Who :

ORESKABAND formed in 2003 when middle school classmates IKASU (guitar & vocal), TOMI (bass & vocal), TAE-SAN (drums), SAKI (trumpet), MORIKO (tenor sax) and LEADER (trombone) got together to start their own band. They started off playing at small clubs in their hometown and quickly built following with their energetic live shows and colorful personalities. A&R reps from record labels caught the underground vibe of the band and by 2006, these talented high schoolers were signed to Sony Music Japan.
From performing at local venues, ORESKABAND has gone on to gain recognition on a national level. An exceptional opportunity came when their song YEAH ! Ska Dance was used in a TV commercial for POCKY, a very popular Japanese candy. The girls themselves appeared in the commercial, which was shot while they were performing on a moving train show-casing their fresh ska-pop sound and lively personalities
Juggling the role of high school students and recording artists, ORESKABAND completed their debut mini album entitled Ore in March 2006 and received massive critical acclaim. In June, the girls collaborated with trombone player/Ska legend Rico Rodriguez on his tribute session album JAPA-RICO RICO RODRIGUEZ MEETS JAPAN with their cover of the Ska classic MONKEY MAN(MONKEY monkey MAN). That summer, the band also got an invitation to perform at the prestigious FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL which they graciously accepted attracting 1000 attendees, a new artist record!
Their popularity was rising high in Japan but the band was not willing to stop there; In March 2007, following the digital release of their US debut single PINOCCHIO, ORESKABAND kicked off their first tour starting from SXSW music festival in Austin, TX, where the full-throttle energy of their performance and their infectious spirit have earn them strong following and a reputation as one of the best discoveries of the festival. Back in Japan, the girls, now fresh out of high school, continued to play nationwide and wrapped up the successful tour with a sold-out show in their hometown Osaka.
August 2007 saw the release of ORESKBAND’s first LP in the U.S., a self-titled compilation of the band’s Ore and WAO (Short for “We Are ORESKABAND!!”) EP’s.
To support the LP, ORESKABAND returned to the states for a very successful performance at Anime Expo in summer 2007. ORESKABAND was also chosen to perform at Warped Tour that summer alongside many established bands. This US Tour proved successful in creating a new international fan base for ORESKABAND.
After seven crowd-rocking WARPED TOUR performances and new found international recognition, ORESKABAND moved forward with a determination to ring their music all over the world. The girls stayed in the U.S. for 3 more months and filmed their debut musical movie “Lock and Roll Forever”, produced by Emmy-Award winning movie producer Barry Rosenbush. ORESKABAND further added to their resume by recording original songs for the movie’s soundtrack with renowned music industry veteran Kaz Utsunomiya and several other veteran sound producers.
When all of the projects for the debut movie were completed, ORESKABAND finally went home to Japan but that did not signal the end of the whirlwind 2007 year for the girls. ORESKABAND capped off 2007 with a successful performance at the prestigious New Year’s Celebration event “COUNTDOWN JAPAN rock festival” in front of a capacity crowd of 5000 attendees.
In Mar. 2008, ORESKABAND returned to the SXSW Music Festival and announced their upcoming performance at VANS WARPED TOUR 2008. ORESKABAND is now in the studio working on their anticipated new album which is scheduled for an Oct. 2008 release in Japan.
ORESKABAND certainly has their hands full with headlining for the VANS WARPED TOUR, releasing their new album, and the premiere of their movie “Lock and Roll Forever”. 2008 is shaping up to be another eventful year in the very young and bright careers of the 6 girls from OSAKA, JAPAN.
My Space Ore Ska Band :
Download Album Ore Ska Band
Labels: Download, Music, Ore Ska Band, SKA

ni beberapa pendapatnya:
Ska menurut saya: musik nge-beat yang identik dengan alat musik tiup (terompet dan saudaranya).
Ska-phobia itu setau saya nama tarian untuk musik ska yang gerakannya mirip orang melangkah dengan tangan dan kaki dari bagian yang berlawanan diayun-ayunkan (halahh... bingung nulisnya! perlu diperagakan??!) >:/
Ska-mania itu... penyuka musik ska kali... (atau semacam skaholic gitu)
klo menurut kamu music SKA itu gmn ?
klo kalian pengen denger gimana lagu-lagu SKA ciptaan anak negeri download ajah ...
download music :
download music :
INDO-SKA-MIX gabungan lagu band SKA indie
download music :
download music :
download music :
download music :
dah segini dulu besok akan kami tambah lagi .. download, dengarkan dan mari bedansa pogo bersama kami .. (eyank1968)
2 Tone (or Two Tone) is a music genre created in England in the late 1970s by fusing elements of ska, punk rock, rocksteady, reggae and pop. Within the history of ska music, it is classified as its second wave.[citation needed]
The 2 Tone sound was developed by English musicians (mostly based in the West Midlands area) who grew up hearing 1960s Jamaican music and decided to play a similar style of music. They combined that style with influences from contemporary punk and pop music. The new music genre (and associated subculture) became known as 2 Tone because most of the bands were signed to the record label 2 Tone Records at some point. Other record labels associated with the 2 Tone sound were Stiff Records and Go Feet Records. Bands considered part of the 2 Tone genre include The Specials, The Selecter, The Beat, Madness, Bad Manners and The Bodysnatchers.
The music term 2 Tone was coined by Jerry Dammers of The Specials. Dammers, with the assistance of Horace Panter, created the Walt Jabsco logo to represent the 2 Tone movement. It was based on an early album cover photo of Peter Tosh, and included an added black-and-white check pattern.
for info click :

Salah satu jenis topi yang biasa dipakai anak-anak skinhead

Sebutan untuk Skinhead Nazi atau Skinhead Fasis
Sepatu yang dipakai oleh anak-anak Skinhead. Boot dipakai sebagai bukti kedekatan mereka dengan kelas pekerja yang kental dengan sepatu berpenampilan keras seperti boot. Yang paling dikenal oleh kalangan Skinhead adalah Boot Doc. Martens
Boot adalah busana paling mendasar dari seorang Skinhead. Mereka biasa memakai boot dengan lubang tali 8 hingga 20, boot adalah bentuk alas kaki yang banyak dipakai oleh anak-anak Skinhead pada 1970-an yang menganggap bahwa mereka itu “hard” .


Istilah lain untuk Skinhead
Istilah lain untuk Skingirl atau cewek Skinhead
Slah satu jenis sepatu yang sering dipakai anak-anak Skinhead. Awalnya dipakai karena sepatu-sepatu jenis boot diangap terlampau mencolok mata.
Sebutan untuk Skinhead Brazil
Anak-anak Skinhead yang mengenakan pakaian dan bergaya rambut Skinhead tradisional.
Crombie Boy
Skinhead yang mengenakan jaket crombie, celana jeans Wrangler yang dipotong, sepatu boot Doc. Martens dipadukan dengan kaus kaki berwarna merah terang. Penampilan mereka tampak jelas. Crombie boy berpakaian sangat mirip di seluruh negeri, bbedanya mereka semuanya memakai sweater putih dengan model V neck. Jaket-jaket crombie itu mereka pakai agar tidak disebut sebagai pouffe, feminim.
Pertandingan dua tim sepakbola yang berasal dari kota yang sama.
Secara harfiah, bahasa Inggris lazim menyebut droog sama dengan friend. Droogs adalah kelompok anak-anak muda yang pakaiannya mirip dengan Skinhead, namun tidak mesti berkepala plontos. Mereka berbusana rapi, melengkapi kemejanya dengan bretel, dan menutup kepalanya dengan topi pork-pie atau bolero. Penggambaran yang menarik dapat dilihat dalam buku A Clockwork Orange karya Anthony Burgess dan film dengan judul yang sama karya Stanley Kubrick.
Media Independen yang dibikin secara swakelola dan diedarkan dalam scene underground, dibuat sengaja untuk melayani kebutuhan scene yang tidak terdapat dalam media massa mainstream, isinya perihal gig, clothing, band, iklan, review kaset-kaset indie atau semacamnya.
Istilah untuk sebutan pertunjukan music
Hard Mods
Anak-anak muda yang mengenakan celana-celana jenas yang bagian bawahnya dilipat keluar dan memakai sepatu-sepatu bot pekerja industri. Mereka adalah kelompok anak muda yang memanfaatkan gaya hanya kompensasi hidup yang keras. Mereka pada akhir 1960-an berkembang menjadi anak-anak Skinhead.
Seseorang yang melakukan tindakan kekerasan dan menyebabkan keonaran, para pendukung klub sepakbola tertentu. Hooligan yang paling kentara dan dikenal adalah yang ada dalam tradisi sepakbola inggris, tonton ajah film berjudul football factory. Semua Skinhead menyukai sepakbola tapi tidak semua skinhead adalah Hooligan, dan tidak semua hooligan itu seorang Skinhead.
Jenis sepatu yang sring dipakai anak-anak Skinhead.
Long Feathercut
Gaya rambut cewek-cewek Skinhead
Major label
Industri rekaman utama, perusahaan yang memproduksi kaset-kaset rekaman dengan permodalan , pola perekrutan, administrasi, majemen, promosi dan jaringan distribusi berskala besar.
Bocah Skinhead yang usianya masih sangat muda
Bentuk jamaknya MODS. Yaitu kelompok anak-anak muda khususnya di kawasan Inggris pada tahun 1960-an, yang mengenakan pakaian rapid an mengendarai scooter. Mods berarti anak-anak kelas menengah yang ingin kelihatan rapi, menonjol, dan mampu menandingi penampilan kelas-kelas lainnya. Mereka muncul pada pertengahan 1960-an dengan gaya pakaian Italia-nya. Mods orisinal dikawasan London adalah anak-anak muda yang terbiasa dengan gaya hidup yang tergesa-gesa. Mereka terobsesi akan band the WHO, motor scooter italia dan kesempurnaan gaya personal mereka sendiri.
Puncak kejayaan scene mods orisinal antara 1962-1966 . gaya hidup mods muncul lagi pada akhir 1970-an dan sejak saat itu meluas keseluruh dunia.
Mods mempunyai 4 Aliran, yaitu :
1. Kelompok Art School, yang menjadi cikal bakal anak-anak Glamrock and Glitter, Hippies.
2. Kelompok Mainstream mods yang terkenal dengan musik R&B-nya. Memakai baju-baju setelan, rapi,celana-celana sempit, sepatu-sepatu mengkilap ditemani oleh cewek-cewek jalanan berambut pendek, berkeliaran di sekitar klub-klub malam memamerkan pakaian mereka dan menciptakan tarian-tarian baru
3. Kelompok Scooter boys
4. Kelompok Hard Mods yang pada akhirnya pada tahun 1960-an berkembang menjadi Skinhead.
Musik anak-anak Skinhead pada dasarnya adalah musik rock, iramanya lurus dan terkesan monoton mirip mars, istilah Oi! lahir dari lagu band Cockbney Reject berjudul Oi! Oi! Oi!
Kaos berkerah yang biasa dikenakan anak-anak Skinhead. merk yang digunakan biasanya Fred perry dan Ben Sherman.
Jenis topi yang sering dipakai anak-anak Skinhead


The 2-Tone era saw Aitken performing with the English Beat, touring with mod band Secret Affair, and backed by punk/reggae act the Ruts. In the 80s Aitken regularly toured the U.K. and recorded with British act Potato 5. In 1986 appeared in mod film Absolute Beginners alongside David Bowie. Throughout the late 90s he performed with several third-wave ska acts, including the Toasters and the New York Ska Jazz Ensemble. Most recently, 2002 saw the release of Live at Club Ska.
Our deepest condolences go out to the Laurel's family, friends and fans.
Labels: History, Laurel Aitken, Music, Reggae, SKA
Tracklisting :
- CozyRepublic-Bidadari
- CozyRepublic-BisaSetia
- CozyRepublic-CintakuMasihDiHatimu
- CozyRepublic-HitamPutih
- CozyRepublic-JanganMalu-Malu
- CozyRepublic-KauMiripPacarku
- CozyRepublic-KucingRasta
- CozyRepublik-aku masih punya cinta
- CozyRepublic-RepublikUye
- CozyRepublic-RepublikUyeKejawenVersion
Download Album
Labels: Cozy Republik, Download, Music, Reggae
- Jung Fan Gung Foo_Apalagi
- Jung Fan Gung Foo_Bocah Pantai
- Jung fan Gung Foo_Bruce Lee
- Jung Fan Gung Foo_Semua Berantakan
- Jung Fan Gung Foo_Senyum itu
- Jung Fan Gung Foo_Silly Dumb Head
- Jung Fan Gung Foo_Skuter Lambretta
- Jung Fan Gung Foo_Sudah Bosan
- Jung Fan Gung Foo_The Famous One
- Jung Fan Gung Foo_ Pesta
- Jung Fan Gung Foo_2 menit 10 detik
- Jun Fan Gung Foo - Astaga
- Jun Fan Gung Foo - Dilema problema
- Jun Fan Gung Foo - Hei Segalanya Kan Terjadi
Labels: Download, Jun Fan Gung Foo, Music, SKA

Download Album
- lynn tait & the jets - soul food
- alton ellis - my time is the right time
- clancy's all stars - c.n. express
- carlton alphonso - where in this world
- earl st. joseph - eastern promise
- the groovers - you were meant for me
- clancy eccles - what will your mama say
- tommy mckenzie - fiddlesticks
- monty morris - say what your saying
- clancy eccles - the fight
- ernest ranglin - heart beat
- alton ellis - the message
- the joyce bond show - they wash
- lloyd terrel - bang bang lulu
Download Album
Rocksteady merupakan salah satu genre musik yang berasal dari Jamaika. Jenis musik ini berawal dari ska yang dibikin lebih halus tapi tidak seperti reggae yang pelan dan santai. Reggae adalah penerus jenis musik rocksteady ini.
Nama rocksteady ini muncul dari lagi Alton Ellis "Rock Steady". Genre musik ini muncul ketika warga-warga desa di Jamaika berhijrah dari daerah pedesaan dan masuk ke kota-kota. Di ghettoKingston, para pemuda menyanyikan lagu-lagu dengan irama rocksteady. di kota-kota seperti misalkan
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rocksteady is a music genre that was most popular in Jamaica, starting around 1966, and its reggae successor was established around 1968.[1]
The term rocksteady comes from a dance style that was mentioned in the Alton Ellis song "Rock Steady". A successor to Jamaican ska, and a precursor to reggae, rocksteady was performed by Jamaican vocal harmony groups such as The Gaylads, The Kingstonians, The Maytals and The Paragons. Dances performed to rocksteady were less energetic than the earlier ska dance moves. Rocksteady differs from ska musically as the tempo is slower and more relaxed. The bass is heavier and more prominent in the mix and in addition, the bass lines abandon the earlier "walking" style of the ska period in favor of more broken, syncopated figures. The ska-style back beat and the emphasis on the offbeat carried over into rocksteady.
the Skatalites - 32 Authentic Ska Hits
0 comments Posted by Henry Lutfidwianto Susilotomo at 3:10 AM- the skatalites - big trombone
- the skatalites - blow roland blow
- the skatalites - Can't You See
- the skatalites - carry go bring come
- the skatalites - Exodus
- the skatalites - shame & scandal
- the skatalites - simmer down (featuring bob marley)
- the skatalites - ska ska ska
- the skatalites - Split Personality
- the skatalites - The Vow
- the skatalites - Welcome Back Home
- the skatalites - Woman A Come
- the skatalites - World's Fair
- the skatalites - you're wondering now
Biography of The Skatalites ..
In Jamaica in the mid-50's, a fledgling recording industry saw the birth of what became known as Ska. Created by fusing Boogie-Woogie Blues, R+B, Jazz, Mento, Calypso and African rythyms, Ska became the first truly Jamaican music and by the 60's all the vocalist were swarming to the studios to record their songs to this infectious new beat. Bob Marley, Peter Tosh, Toots and the Maytals, Jimmy Cliff, Alton Ellis, Ken Boothe are just a few of the names who came to record this new music, which coincided with the whole island's excitement about Jamaica's independence in 1962. The core musicians playing on most of these sessions saw the opportunity to play this music live to the public.Tommy McCook, Rolando Alphonso, Johnny Moore, Lester Sterling, Don Drummond, Lloyd Knibb, Lloyd Brevett, Jerry Haynes, and Jackie Mittoo began working together in 1963 and formed The Ska-talites in May 1964.
Spring 1964
The Skatalites record their first LP at Studio One in Kingston, Ska Authentic, and tour the island as the creators of Ska. Their recordings for various producers rule the airwaves, stations JBC and RJR, that is. Foremost among their producers were; Clement 'Sir Coxsone' Dodd, Arthur 'Duke' Reid, Cecil 'Prince Buster' Campbell, Vincent 'King' Edwards, Justin 'Phillip' Yap, Leslie Kong, Lindon Pottinger,Sonya Pottinger and Vincent 'Randy' Chin. The Skatalites led sessions with all the top artists and helped to break young talents such as Delroy Wilson, Desmond Dekker, The Wailers, Lee Perry, etc.

Fall 1964
Don Drummond's composition, "Man In The Street", enters the Top 10 in the UK. Trombonist Drummond is not only the Skatalites busiest composer, but the most prolific in all of Ska, with at least 200 tunes to his name by 1965.
January 1st 1965
Don Drummond is jailed for the murder of his girlfriend, Anita 'Marguerita' Mahfood. He is later convicted and remanded to the Bellevue Asylum.
August, 1965
The Skatalites play their last show. The break-up results in the formation of two supergroups, Rolando Alphonso and the Soul Vendors and Tommy McCook and the Supersonics.
Early 1967
Don Drummond's Ska-adaption of the theme to the film "The Guns Of Navarone" enters the UK Top 10.
May 6, 1969
Don Drummond dies at age 37 in the Bellevue Asylum.
June 1983
The Skatalites reform for a reunion performance at the Sunsplash festival in Montego Bay in July. Their show was a smashing success and the band played more concerts in Jamaica while weighing offers to tour abroad.
April 1984
The Skatalites record their reunion album, The Return of The Big Guns,released on Mango Records in the U.K.
July 7th 1984
The Skatalites play to thousands at Selhurst Park during the London Sunsplash. The Skatalites play 7 tunes and also back Prince Buster on three before closing with a reprise of their theme song, "Freedom Sounds".
The core members of the Skatalites emigrate and eventually coalesce in the northeast of the United States. They play their first US concert at The Village Gate and begin to play spotted dates in Northeast US.
April 1989
The Skatalites are support act for Bunny Wailer's Liberation Tour featuring 7 original members: Tommy McCook,Roland Alphonso,Lester Sterling,Johnny Moore, Jackie Mittoo,Lloyd Brevett,Lloyd Knibb with special guests Dion Knibb on vocals, Devon James on guitar,and Ken Stewart on keyboards.
January 1990
The Skatalites do their first headline tour of the US with the same lineup minus Jackie Mittoo and Lester Sterling.
December 16, 1990
Jackie Mittoo dies in Toronto Canada from cancer.
The Skatalites continue touring the US and in 1992 do their first tour of Europe. They continue working towards the release of a new album.
Skavoovee is released in the US on Shanachie Records and in Japan as McCooke's Book(sic). The Skavoovee tour featuring the Skatalites, Special Beat, Selector, and The Toasters tours the US
January 1996
The Skatalites are nominated for a Grammy Award in the category of Best Reggae Album for their 1995 Shanachie release, Hi Bop Ska.
January 1997
The Skatalites are nominated for a Grammy Award in the category of Best Reggae Album for their 1996 Shanachie release, Greetings From Skamania.
The Skatalites release "Ball of Fire" on Island Records with special guest Ernest Ranglin on guitar
May 5, 1998
Tommy McCook passes away near his home in Lithonia Georgia.
November 17, 1998
Rolando Alphonso passes away at Cedars Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles CA.
March 27, 1999
Cedric 'Im Brooks joins The Skatalites, shouldering the legacy of Tommy McCook and Rolando Alphonso.
May 2000
The Skatalites record a new album at The Hit Factory in Miami with 15 original tracks with special guest Ken Boothe on a vocal track.
December 26 and 27 2001
The Skatalites record another new album in Paris at Davout Studios for Melodie Records and released as "From Paris With Love" on April 15,2002.
February 2002
The Skatalites begin their World Tour for the year touching USA, Europe, Mexico, Venezuela, Puerto Rico, Russia and Japan which lasted 9 months.
April 2003
The Skatalites return to the studio with Toots(and The Maytalls) Hibbert to record a contribution to his new True Love cd featuring many special guests including Willie Nelson,Bonnie Raitt,Eric Clapton et al. This album subsequently won the Grammy for 2004.
March 2004
The Skatalites announce the beginning of their 40th Anniversary tour including Colombia,Greece and Singapore,in addition to the usual global stops. This celebratory tour will last until May 2005. The addition of Vincent(Don Drummond Jr)Gordon and Karl(Cannonball) Bryan makes this one of the best Skatalites lineups ever.
April 2005
The Skatalites embark on a new World Tour this year with their new bass player Val Douglas. Mr Douglas is another outstanding Jamaican musician who has played on numerous sessions and his famous A-Team band was the primary backing band for Reggae Sunsplash Tours all through the 80's and 90's. The Skatalites continue to be composed of the top musicians in their genre,as they have from the beginning.
October 2005
The Skatalites release "The Skatalites in Orbit,Vol.1 recorded live in Buenos Aires,Argentina with many thanks to Javier DaRocha and Pedro Pearson for the best live Skatalites recording ever.
March 2006
The Skatalites play at La Bal De La Rose for Princess Caroline of Monaco along with Jimmy Cliff,The Wailers and Alpha Blondy. This show starts the 2006 Global Orbit Tour reaching as far as Australia,New Zealand,Chile,Argentina
April 2006
Skatalites record 11 brand new tunes and 1 cover in Byron Bay,Australia at the 301 Studios. The new release "On The Right Track" is forthcoming.
On The Right Track is released worldwide by AIM International from Australia.
September 2007
The Skatalites contribute the track "Be My Guest" with Ben Harper on vocals for the new Fats Domino tribute cd "Going Home" featuring numerous artists. This cd is a fund raiser for all musicians affected by Hurricane Katrina.
Labels: Music
Kalimat tersebut boleh jadi dicantumkan untuk memancing pembeli. Ya, produser album ini memang perlu mengeluarkan banyak pancingan. Selain karena band pendukungnya tidak terlalu familiar di telinga pecinta musik awam, tapi juga karena musik yang diusungnya tak lagi hype
Selain itu, album ini diproduksi secara independent. Jika tak bisa keluar uang banyak untuk biaya promosi, sentuhan-sentuhan 'dagang' rasanya lumrah dilakukan baik di kaset maupun cover kaset.
Seperti judulnya, 'Rise Up: 3-Nation Compilation' adalah album kompilasi grup musik dari tiga negara. Indonesia, Belanda dan Swiss. Aliran yang diusung adalah ska.
Namun jangan dulu membayangkan ska ala Tipe-X atau Jun Fan Gang Foo yang identik dengan lagu-lagu bernuansa ceria dengan iringan terompet.
Dalam 'Rise Up: 3-Nation Compilation', terompet masih tetap ada, tapi tidak dominan. Tempo lagu-lagunya juga relatif tidak begitu cepat. Tak perlu takut kehabisan nafas jika mau ikut berdendang bersama.
Kembali ke soal kalimat yang ditulis di awal, If it's too loud, you're too old, saya berani mengatakan album ini sama sekali tidak keras. Saya juga berani jamin kalau saya belum tua.
seperti beberapa tahun silam.
- Sub Kultur - Semerbak
- Agent Skins - Wave Vibration
- Noin Bullet - Pagi Hari
- Dirty Dolls - Make Up Your Mind
- Apollo 10 - Nostalgila
- The Palookas - Smile
- Open Season - Keep My Fire Burning
- Plenty Enuff - Catching in the Rye
- Open Season - Take a Lady
- Plenty Enuff - Dass Es Mehr Gibt
- The Palookas - Baby
- Apollo 10 - Imagination
- Dirty Dolls - Sunset di Mataku
- Noin Bullet - Sambutlah
- Sub Kultur - There is No
- Agent Skins - The Will to Live.
Labels: Music

Ska (pronounced /ˈskɑː/, Jamaican [skja]) is a music genre that originated in Jamaica in the late 1950s, and was the precursor to rocksteady and reggae.[1] Ska combined elements of Caribbean mento and calypso with American jazz and rhythm and blues. It is characterized by a walking bass line accented with rhythms on the offbeat.
In the early 1960s, ska was the dominant music genre of Jamaica and was popular with British mods. Later it became popular with many skinheads.[2][3][4][5] Music historians typically divide the history of ska into three periods: the original Jamaican scene of the 1960s (First Wave), the English 2 Tone ska revival of the late 1970s (Second Wave) and the third wave ska movement, which started in the 1980s (Third Wave).
There are different theories about the origins of the word ska. Ernest Ranglin claimed that the term was coined by musicians to refer to the "skat! skat! skat!" scratching guitar strum.[6] Another explanation is that at a recording session in 1959 produced by Coxsone Dodd, double bassist Cluett Johnson instructed guitarist Ranglin to "play like ska, ska, ska", although Ranglin has denied this, stating "Clue couldn't tell me what to play!".[7] A further theory is that it derives from Johnson's word skavoovie, with which he was known to greet his friends.[8] Jackie Mittoo insisted that the musicians themselves called the rhythm Staya Staya, and that it was Byron Lee who introduced the term 'ska'.[9]
After World War II, Jamaicans purchased radios in increasing numbers and were able to hear rhythm and blues music from Southern United States cities such as New Orleans by artists such as Fats Domino and Louis Jordan. The stationing of American military forces during and after the war meant that Jamaicans could listen to military broadcasts of American music and there was a constant influx of records from the US. To meet the demand for that music, entrepreneurs such as Prince Buster, Clement "Coxsone" Dodd, and Duke Reid formed sound systems. As jump blues and more traditional R&B began to ebb in popularity in the early 1960s, Jamaican artists began recording their own version of the genres.[10] The style was of bars made up of four triplets, similar to that of "My baby just cares for me" by Nina Simone, but was characterized by a guitar chop on the off beat - known as an upstroke or skank - with horns taking the lead and often following the off beat skank and piano emphasizing the bass line and, again, playing the skank.[1] Drums kept 4/4 time and the bass drum was accented on the 3rd beat of each 4-triplet phrase. The snare would play side stick and accent the 3rd beat of each 4-triplet phrase. [1] The upstroke sound can also be found in other Caribbean forms of music, such as mento and calypso.[11]
One theory about the origin of ska is that Prince Buster created it during the inaugural recording session for his new record label Wild Bells.[11] The session was financed by Duke Reid, who was supposed to get half of the songs to release. However, he only received one, which was by trombonist Rico Rodriguez.[citation needed] Among the pieces recorded were "They Got to Go", "Oh Carolina" and "Shake a Leg."[citation needed] According to reggae historian Steve Barrow, during the sessions, Prince Buster told guitarist Jah Jerry to "change gear, man, change gear."[citation needed] The guitar began emphasizing the second and fourth beats in the bar, giving rise to the new sound. The drums were taken from traditional Jamaican drumming and marching styles. To create the ska beat, Prince Buster essentially flipped the R&B shuffle beat, stressing the offbeats with the help of the guitar.
The first ska recordings were created at facilities such as Studio One and WIRL Records in Kingston, Jamaica with producers such as Dodd, Reid, Prince Buster, and Edward Seaga.[11] The ska sound coincided with the celebratory feelings surrounding Jamaica's independence from the UK in 1962; an event commemorated by songs such as Derrick Morgan's "Forward March" and The Skatalites' "Freedom Sound." Because the newly-independent Jamaica didn't ratify the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works until 1994 copyright was not an issue, which created a large number of cover songs and reinterpretations. Jamaican musicians such as The Skatalites often recorded instrumental ska versions of popular American and British music, such as Beatles songs, Motown and Atlantic soul hits, movie theme songs, or surf rock instrumentals. Bob Marley's band The Wailers covered the Beatles' "And I Love Her," and radically reinterpreted Bob Dylan's "Like a Rolling Stone."
Byron Lee & the Dragonaires performed ska with Prince Buster, Eric "Monty" Morris, and Jimmy Cliff at the 1964 New York World's Fair. As music changed in the United States, so did ska. In 1965 and 1966, when American soul became slower and smoother, ska changed its sound accordingly and evolved into rocksteady.[12][11]
2 Tone
Main article: 2 Tone
The 2 Tone genre, which began in the late 1970s in the areas around Birmingham and Coventry in England, was a fusion of Jamaican ska rhythms and melodies with punk rock's more aggressive guitar chords and lyrics.[12] Compared to 1960s ska, 2 Tone music had faster tempos, fuller instrumentation and a harder edge. The genre was named after 2 Tone Records, a record label founded by Jerry Dammers of The Specials. Although 2 Tone bands were respectful to the original Jamaican ska artists, The Specials failed to credit musicians such as Prince Buster, as the composer of music on their 1979 debut vinyl release. However, in many cases, the reworking of classic ska songs turned the originals into hits again in the United Kingdom. The 2 Tone movement promoted racial unity at a time when racial tensions were high in the UK. Riots in British cities were a feature during the summer that The Specials song "Ghost Town" was a hit, although this work was in a slower, Reggae beat. Most of the 2 Tone bands had multiracial lineups, such as The Beat (known as English Beat in North America) and The Selecter.[1] Although only on the 2 Tone label for one single, Madness were one of the most effective bands at bringing the 2 Tone genre into the mainstream.
Third wave
See also: Ska punk
In the 1980s, bands influenced by the 2 Tone ska revival started forming in the United States and other countries.[12] The style was characterized by brass instruments, a heavily-accented offbeat, and usually a much faster, punk-inspired, tempo.[12] The first well-known American ska revival band was The Toasters, who played in a 2 Tone-influenced style and paved the way for the third wave ska movement. Other notable early third wave ska bands included The Donkey Show, The Uptones, Fishbone, Operation Ivy, Let's Go Bowling and Bim Skala Bim.
Most third wave bands emerged from Southern California, but by the early 1990s, ska revival bands were forming throughout the United States and many other countries. Tazy Phyllipz and Albino Brown of the Ska Parade radio show popularized the label "third wave ska." Ska Parade helped promote many Southern California bands such as Sublime, No Doubt, and Let's Go Bowling.[13]
In 1993 The ska-core band Mighty Mighty Bosstones signed with Mercury Records and appeared in the film Clueless, with their first mainstream hit "Where'd You Go?" Bands such as No Doubt, Reel Big Fish, Less Than Jake and Goldfinger brought ska mainstream attention. During this time, many ska songs became hits on mainstream radio, including "Spiderwebs", "Sell Out", and "The Impression That I Get."
Many third wave ska bands played ska punk and its subgenre, ska-core. Ska punk took 2 Tone and increased the punk rock elements, while ska-core blended ska with hardcore punk. However, some third wave ska bands — such as The Allstonians, Skavoovie and the Epitones, Hepcat and The Slackers — continued to play in a more traditional 1960s-influenced style. Many of the popular accouterments of the 2 Tone and mod movements were also popular with the third wave of ska. The checkerboard pattern of the 2 Tone record label became a popular stylistic element on third wave ska clothing, album covers, and posters. By the late 1990s, mainstream interest in third wave ska bands waned as other music genres gained momentum.[citation needed]
Record labels
In 1981, The Toasters' frontman Robert "Bucket" Hingley created Moon Ska Records, which became the biggest American ska record label. It featured many bands that became staples in third wave ska.[citation needed] Moon Ska Records officially folded in 2000, but Moon Ska Europe continued operating in the 2000s, and later relaunched as Moon Ska World. In 2003, Hingley launched a new ska record label, Megalith Records. In 1996, Mike Park of the band Skankin' Pickle officially founded Asian Man Records, which was the biggest West coast United States third wave ska label.[citation needed] In 1997, Brett Gurewitz and Tim Armstrong founded Hellcat Records, which mostly featured punk rock bands, but also featured several ska and ska punk acts. In Montreal, Canada, The Planet Smashers' lead singer and guitarist Matt Collyer founded Stomp Records in 1994. Fueled by Ramen was started by Less Than Jake and features many lesser known ska bands.
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Labels: boot, dr. martens, For Sale, Music, Skinhead

Kenapa skinhead? Well, sebenernya gerakan ini pada awalnya muncul di inggris sekitar tahun1960-an. ada semacam dilematis tersendiri kenapa subkultur ini kemudian mendapat pandangan ‘miring’ dari temen-temen underground lain. Meskipun Skinhead banyak diasosiasikan dengan kelompok orang-orang yang rasis dan Neo-Nazi, namun Skinhead yang sebenarnya tidaklah Neo-Nazi, karena pada awalnya Skinhead adalah kaum tertindas dari kelas pekerja (utamanya buruh pelabuhan) di London, Inggris. Skinhead juga bisa merujuk kepada kepada kelompok orang (biasanya remaja) yang merupakan fans musik Oi!/streetpunk dan juga punk.
Dari banyak temen skins. Yang paling banyak ada di Jogjakarta entah dengan daerah lain, inilah kami "Jogjakarta Traditional Skin"atau sebut saja seperti lagu dari Apollo 10 band Indie Jogja- J.R.S.C (Jogja Rude Boy & Skinhead Crew), klo kalian pengen jumpa kultur skin di daerah jogjakarta.. tengok aja di kami di sekitar perempatan tugu jogjakarta didepan circle K atau di seputaran jalan Mataram...
Tradisi skinhead lebih banyak persamaan di musik, style sama way of life. For trendy shit only, forget it!!!
Klo masih kurang jelas apa tuh Skinhead, mending baca aja buku karangan George Marshal "kaum skinhead" atau liat aja film this is england sebagai acuan dan pikirkan lagi alasan anda masuk ke scene ini!! Dan ketika disinggung mengenai perlawanan yang biasa dilekatkan dengan tradisi subkultur, banyak dari anggota scene ini yang mengatakan, “we don’t give a shit about that!! What we have in common is just about how we proud to our life, to our self and to the community”
Kita muncul karena kita beda!!”. Are you skins out there agree with this?
sekarang terserah Loe.. Mau pilih scene mana skinhead, punk, metalhead, emo, indie pop ato dugem’ers sekalipun, kita hanya menentukan satu fase kehidupan yang sedikit banyak akan mengaspirasikan kesukaan kita pada satu hal.
take this in a very enjoyable moment and let's take ur boot's and dance with us... ! (by:eyank1968)